Kiel Canal by bike and taxi

Tuesday 31st of July 2018 and my alarm went off just after 4 o'clock. I climbed down the ladders to make me some tea and I had my blueberries and tea in my room while looking at my pictures. I will take a tour of the canals today, but I will start by going to have a look at the Barn Swallow nest on the way to the supermarket.

Kiel Canal by bike and taxi
Early morning in Friedrichstadt

The Barn Swallow nest is in a garage and the gate was closed so I could not see the nest. I turned around and I walked back to River Trenne. I hear a Mallard from other side of the river and the sound is coming closer. The Mallard is crossing the river coming towards me. I follow the Mallard and I manage to record the sound.

I followed the Mallard and I managed to get the bird on video as well.

Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, Gräsand
Mallard / Gräsand

Listen to the Mallard

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder Audacity High Pass Filter applied

I follow this Mallard from River Treene in to the canal. Seems like she was calling for her friends. She met one friend when she came in to the canal and when they reached the bottom of the canal they met the rest of their friends.

Around 10 mallards sleeping on the water

Mallard swimming to look for her friends
Friedrichstadt, Germany

Common Blackbird, Turdus merula, Koltrast
Common Blackbird / Koltrast

Common Blackbird, Turdus merula, Koltrast
Common Blackbird / Koltrast

I walk along the river following the Mallard and the only other bird I see is a Common Blackbird looking for food on a lawn. I also pass the jetty where the canal tour is leaving from when I follow the mallard. 1 hour to departure so I have plenty time follow the mallards up the canal.

I went to check out the Barn Swallow but the gate was still closed so I continued to the town square. I spotted Common Wood Pigeons and I sat down on a bench to study them. They are busy building nest and I saw something that I thought was a courtship display. But the female was not interested and chased away the male pigeon.

Common Wood Pigeon, Columba palumbus, Ringduva

Common Wood Pigeon courtship

I enjoyed the Common Wood Pigeons for a while and I walked back to the river that I followed to the jetty for the canal tour boats. I have a voucher from Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH that was included in the tour. So I was buying an ice cream and I was waiting on the jetty until it was time to board the Canal Boat “MS Friedrichstadt”

Looked to be a nice tour as I was almost alone, but at the time of the boarding there were several people showing up and suddenly the boat was almost full.

Friedrichstadt Canal Tour
Canal Boat “MS Friedrichstadt”

Friedrichstadt Canal Tour
Canal Boat “MS Friedrichstadt”

Friedrichstadt Canal Tour
Canal Boat “MS Friedrichstadt”

Friedrichstadt Canal Tour
Canal Boat “MS Friedrichstadt”

Friedrichstadt Canal Tour
Canal Boat “MS Friedrichstadt”

The trip lasted for an hour or 90 minutes and when I was ashore again I went to buy blueberries at the supermarket. And I stopped to check the Barn Swallows on the way back to Hotel Klein Amsterdam. The gate was open and the swallows were busy feeding their babies. I got a few pictures and I walked back to my hotel room. I spent the rest of the day in my room resting my “behind” as it will be a full day on the bike tomorrow.

So I need to rest and I had tea and blue berries. I had been at a bakery and they had ready-made sandwiches that looked good. Perfect for tomorrows picnic lunch. I asked what time they were going to open tomorrow morning. They were going to open very early so I would come back tomorrow morning to buy sandwiches.

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Barn Swallow / Ladusvala

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Barn Swallow babies
Friedrichstadt, Germany - July 2018

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Barn Swallow babies
Friedrichstadt, Germany - July 2018

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Mommy or daddy brings food
Friedrichstadt, Germany - July 2018

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Mommy or daddy brings food
Friedrichstadt, Germany - July 2018

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Mommy or daddy cleaning the nest
Friedrichstadt, Germany - July 2018

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Mommy or daddy brings food
Friedrichstadt, Germany - July 2018

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica, Ladusvala, นกคุ่มอกลาย
Mommy or daddy brings food
Friedrichstadt, Germany - July 2018

Listen to the Barn Swallow

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. Audacity high pass filter applied

Adults feeding three babies in a nest in the city

We can hear the babies in the beginning, the weak sound and the strong sound is the parents flying by at the end of the recording.

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. Audacity high pass filter applied

Adults feeding three babies in a nest in the city

We can hear the babies, the weak sound and the strong sound is the parents flying by

My “behind” was still aching when I went to bed, but I hope it is better by the time I will sit on the saddle again. Click HERE to find out how the days turns out.

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If you cannot reach their channel, or see some of their videos, it is because of the censorship. China!!?? NO NO, it is Sweden 2018!!

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