Rewritten onboard M/T Ek-Star September 2010

M/T Margaron - I was 2nd Officer from 14th of August 1995 to 13th of September 1995

M/T Margita
Photo from 13th of July 2003 in Gävle when I was on CT Star.

M/T Margita

I joined M/T Margita in Bohus and it was nice to join the ship after a month in Bangkok. I had been M/T Margitabusy in Bangkok, I got myself a studio at Rompo Mansion and I had to buy all the furniture and stuff. Busy, but honestly, it was mostly party.

Well, anyway, it was nice to join the ship again, especially this late summer. It was the World Championship in athletics in Gothenburg so it was very nice to leave town and the 24 Seven M/T Margitaof boring sports. There were plenty parties around the city during the event. Fun with the parties, but I don't like this big sport events. M/T MargitaEverything is just about sport 24/7 so I prefer to get the out of there.

I signed on in Bohus. Bohus is situated at Göta älv and Akzo Nobel have a big chemical M/T Margitaindustry in Bohus. Well, actually, I think Akzo Nobel was bigger than the whole of Bohus.

We drove to Bohus by car from Gothenburg, a 20 minutes ride with the car and if I remember it right it was our Cook, 1 AB and me signing on.

And we were loading caustic soda for a paper mill in the northern Sweden. I don't remember where we went. As you can see above M/T Margita had both center tanks and wing tanks. Our centertanks were made out of stainless steel and we loaded the caustic soda in the center tanks. We loaded gasoline in the wing tanks and I remember one time loading in Sarpsborg, Norway.

We were loading something that smelled like vanilla, I don't remember the name of the stuff. I think M/T Margitait was about 80-90°C when we loaded it and I think we discharged it in Rönnskär. I only remember that they used if when they made paper.

Well, anyway, after loading this stuff in Norway they decided to make a stop in Göteborg to load gasoline in the wing tanks. Their plan was to have full cargo on their voyage to the North of Sweden, of course, a good plan. If it wasn't for the cargo keeping 80-90°C in the center tanks.

Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happens with the gasoline in the adjacent cargo tanks. The gasoline started to vaporize and the pressure relived all the P/V valves. Cold gasoline next to hot cargo and we all know what happens when a liquid gets warming up. The gasoline was ballooning and the tanks were soon filled to the M/T Margitabrim. Gasoline was coming out from the P/V valves, hatches and valves like fountains.

Motherf@cker, I was angry. And Captain was about to light up a coffin nail.
- What the ??!! Are you crazy?
- What..??!!
But he realised what he was doing and he put back his pack in the pocket.

I don't remember all the places we went with Margita. I remember Poland where I went ashore to buy some Polish Hip Hop. Sarpsborg and Göteborg and a place in North of Sweden and that's it.

It was a very nice autumn. I remember this autumn as the first with summer weather lasting until October. I remember it just because the athletic championship in Göteborg and I thought that they M/T Margitawere very lucky with the weather during the championship.

It was hot and we had sun shine all the time so the boys were busy painting the ship. A ship with Swedish flag must look nice and there is only a few month (if we are lucky) a year when we can paint outdoors.

Well, one thing that I will never forget about Margarita, and this is even if I will live until I'm very old, like 36 years old is that they had a TV on the bridge. So they were watching TV during their watches on the bridge.

I signed off 13th of September 1995. I don't remember where. But 18th of September I signed on M/T Rankki in Borgå, Finland.


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