Written onboard M/T Ek-River July 2010

Nils Dacke

Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke © Foto Andreas Wörteler.
Thanks to Micke. Visit his page www.faktaomfartyg.crosswinds.net

M/S Nils Dacke was a trailer and railway ferry and she was built 1988 by Schichau Seebeckswerft Nils DackeAG, Bremerhaven in Germany. She was on 24 745 BR ton and 177,2 m long and 28m wide. She could take 284 passengers. There was 870 m railway onboard but she never carried any wagons only truck and trailers.

She should be delivered 16th of June 1988 but Nils Dackeher engine didn't work and she had her trail trip 25th of October and was finally delivered to Swecarrier Rederi AB, Stockholm 28th of October Alvaros1988. 31st of October she was in traffic between Trelleborg - Travemünde in Germany. If I remember it right it took about 10 Alvaroshours to Travemünde from Trelleborg in Sweden.

In TT-line we worked 1 week and then we had holiday for 1 week. I don't remember Jonnyif I stayed non stop between 13th of December to 3rd of January or if I had my holiday. But I remember that I called the company and asked if I could stay 3 weeks non stop. I needed the money for school. I think I stayed 3 weeks non stop.

When I came onboard I meet an AB on deck that I had worked with on Vestria. Well, the Swedish shipping world is small. I enjoyed the stay onboard, good food and I always knew what to do. No time to get bored.
Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke

Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke

Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke

Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke

Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke

Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke
Travemünde was just on the border to East Germany. And When we left the breakwater we had the Nils Dackesand beach on our Starboard side. The beach belonged to West Germany for a few hundred meters and then it was East Germany.

The ferries between Germany and Sweden had saved many East Germans escaping from East Germany on rafts and stuff.

During New Year we stayed in Trelleborg, not many trucks to take to Germany then. We had a New Year’s party onboard.

Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke
Nils Dacke

Huckleberry Finn  © Foto Andreas Wörteler.
Thanks to Micke. Visit his page www.faktaomfartyg.crosswinds.net
In the summer 1993 Nils Dacke was rebuilt to a car and passenger ferry at Masa Yard, Åbo, Finland. She was renamed to Peter Pan and she was back in traffic between Trelleborg - Travemünde autumn 1993.

2001 she was renamed to Peter Pan IV and in the winter 2001/2002 she was rebuild again at SSW Fähr- und Spezialschiffbau GmbH, Bremerhaven, Germany.
Well finally in January 2002 they changed her name again to Huckleberry Finn and she got on traffic between Trelleborg - Rostock. Only God will know what will happen to her in the future.
Visit www.faktaomfartyg.crosswinds.net a very good site for interesting info about ship's and shipping company.

I signed off Nils Dacke 3rd of January 1989 and I had a few days off before school started. Göteborg/ GothenburgYes school started, but I did not spend much time in school. The money from Nils Dacke lasted, well, hardly, until I got my student loan. And of course, this money disappeared a lot quicker than I had wished for so I had to go to the bank again.

I don't remember much from the spring semester 1989 and I only have 6 pictures from this period. Fortet, I Göteborg/ Gothenburgnever went there again. They called me and invited me for their New Years part, but as we know I spent the time onboard Nils Dacke.

And I didn’t have any car, when I came home from Stena Scanrail, or if it was when I came back from Nils Dacke they had towed it to the scrap yard. Well, the car was only problem and I bought a VESPA instead.

I can just imagine sitting on a VESPA going to Helsingborg from Gothenburg. And, they burned down the place during the spring. They burned the place 2 or 3 times before it were finally gone. Well, sad, there was some fun. But I remember 1 night coming there with a taxi from Gothenburg. I was paying the Göteborg/ Gothenburgdriver when he asked me if we were shooting at each other.
- No! Why?
- There are bullet holes in the window.
I looked up and yes, there were bullet holes in the windows. Well, makes it a little more exciting, doesn’t it?

There are only a few things I remember from the spring semester 1989. My friend wanted to sell his motorcycle to me.
- OK, let's try it.
I reached 120km/h in the first gear and I returned the bike. No chance that I will get on the road with that machine.
- I will soon be dead if I try to drive this one.

And of course, how can I forget when 3 of my friends came over for a drink. One of them puked in my Nakamichi cassette deck. Yes, I had the deck that ejected the cassette and turned it for you.

And of course, this guy had to puke in the slot. And this is the guy always complaining on Göteborg/ Gothenburgmy behaviours, yes, if I have my hat slightly askew and he can go on for months.

One of them could behave, always something. The third guy, yes, he must have been eating steroids. The other students were crying in fear when he entered the kitchen, ripped open the fridge and started to eat. Straight from the fridge and it was not little this guy was eating.

These poor students were watching in fear when he ate all their food. It didn't take long before the doors to the other student rooms were slammed shut. And on top of it they took eggs with them and they were throwing eggs in the elevator. Yes, they had to come back the day after to clean up the mess. Never mind if they cleaned up their mess, this was one of many times that I had to go out through the basement to avoid meeting any of my neighbours.

2 weeks of exit and enter through the basement and they had forgotten all about me. But it was a pain in the behind to watch out for neighbours before entering or leaving my student home. But as with other things, I got used to it and an abnormal situation turned in to a normal situation. It became routine.

As the spring semester came closer to the end and the summer was approaching I needed more money. My student and bank loan had vanished. So I sold my VESPA, this darn thing had cost me a lot in parking tickets. DARN! Time to make more money and I signed on Nils Dacke 6th of June 1989 in Trelleborg, Skåne.

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